About Magic Loft

Ready-To-Rent Eco Wardrobe: Where Sustainability Meets 0-24 Baby Style

At its core, Magic Loft is about doing something good and making the life of baby clothes circular and simpler.

There is an appalling pattern appearing across most of the developed world. New parents, wanting only the best clothing for their babies, are buying and then buying again every few weeks. Babies grow really fast!

They spend lots of money, but the clothes are only used a few times before being thrown away. Magic Loft was born when someone decided that enough was enough and began looking for solutions that are good for both parents and the planet.

What will Magic Loft grow up to be?

Magic Loft has tall ambitions. We want to be at the forefront of making it easier for parents to make sustainable choices.

Sustainability is not some unattainable ideal at Magic Loft but a very practical choice with attractive pricing and a wide and well-stocked range of clothing and accessories. Our packaging and shipping supplies are plastic-free and completely sustainable. 

Written in the stars for Magic Loft parents in the near future are community-driven experiences, custom bundles, stylist services, and membership and referral rewards!

Magic Loft’s Mission

To make subscribing easier and more satisfying than buying, and to make gently used clothes as fresh as new, so that parents can make the simplest, smartest, and most conscious choice when they get a Magic Loft subscription for their baby.

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